
New Hope is a family fellowship from all walks of life and circumstances. We share a collective love of worshiping the Lord, learning together from God's word, and serving our local and global communities with the Love we share in Jesus.
Simply stated, we want to Love God and Love People. By growing and serving together we will become stronger individuals, families, and community.
We would love to have you worship with us. Once you're here, you're family!

Loving God and Loving People
In Matthew chapter 22, Jesus said that loving God and people were the most important commands and that we need to take them seriously. To that end, we acknowledge that we need God's word active in our lives along with the Holy Spirit's guidance, empowerment, and strength. With passion, we express our love for people from various walks of life including the less fortunate and the outcast.
That is why New Hope harbors an atmosphere of love, compassion, and acceptance. We work to lovingly help each other in becoming more obedient to God's desire for our lives. Jesus came to seek and save the lost and we should be doing the same.
We live confidently expectant in all of the promises of God found in the Bible.
New Hope is committed to bringing the hurting to Jesus and growing together as His Church. To learn more about what we believe, please view our "Declaration of Faith" by following this link: Articles of Faith

Sunday Worship is a time of celebration of all that God has done for us through, Christ Jesus, our Lord. Our music involves contemporary as well as traditional styles. It is our resolve that the atmosphere of worship is liberating, expressive, and Christ focused.
We view God's word as our authority in all matters of life. Whether a topical or book study, we are committed to teaching the bible with simplicity. The word of God reveals to us the enduring love of our Heavenly Father, the redeeming grace of Jesus, the Son, and ongoing ministry of Holy Spirit.
Along with our Sunday services, we hold bible studies and special times of prayer. Whether in a home, coffee shop or, at the Church, study of God's word and fellowship are crucial components of our growth in Christ.

The Whole Gospel, To The Whole World